With Lasst Uns Anders Sein the artist invites you to another insight into his upcoming album
SEVEN follows up with the next single and appeals to tolerance and celebrates all those people who dare to be different. With Lasst Uns Anders Sein the artist invites you to another insight into his upcoming album and above all he leaves a gap to himself open. If you look into it, you quickly realize, it's about a very personally experienced topic in terms of content. Because SEVEN heard the phrase "You are different" all his life and in his youth this comment was actually always meant negatively. If you don't fit into the average, then you stand out and that's not right. To go with the flow and not be complicated is decent. Everything else is conceited and tedious, resulting in "Why can't you just be like everyone else"? At the age of 13 SEVEN was also given the stamp "stupid & difficult" and based on a certain "conspicuousness" school psychologists and doctors wanted to prescribe him medication and thus keep him quiet. He refused and had to leave school. Even then, the teenager sensed an absolute contradiction in this: we all have to be the same, but in the real world we suddenly need pioneers, visionaries and creative minds who think differently? We all have ideas, feelings, dreams and passion, but if we really listen to ourselves and want to follow them, we only get headwind and obstacles in the way. SEVEN believes that "being different" is the best thing that can happen to you. How you live, what you love and who and how you love should simply be you. Be proud and embrace it, stand up for yourself and do not hide and hold the poster with the inscription Lasst Uns Anders Sein with both hands stretched and proud upwards.