Jan Seven Dettwyler 2023 PRINT 1212 Kopie v2

New Seven Single "Asche im Wind"


As a harbinger of his 12th studio album "ICH BIN MIR SICHER", SEVEN starts the 20th year of his active artistic career with a special song: "ASCHE IM WIND" is about the moment when he understood that he already had everything really important things in his life.

«I was never satisfied, I am impatient and also insatiable. I always want more, and even better, and all over again. However, when I looked into my son's eyes, I noticed how empty and small all things are. For the first time I didn't care if someone else wins. "

After 298 published songs, 11 studio albums, 4 live albums, 7x precious metal, a total of well over 1 million tickets sold, SEVEN cannot wait for the anniversary year 2022!

Link: Song!